Euthanasia Quiz

What is the meaning of the word Euthanasia?

Correct! Wrong!

What language is the word 'euthanasia' from?

Correct! Wrong!

What form of Euthanasia is legal in the UK?

Correct! Wrong!

What does James Rachels argue?

Correct! Wrong!

Who gave the analogy of the drowning child?

Correct! Wrong!

What is Dignitas?

Correct! Wrong!

Who was Diane Pretty?

Correct! Wrong!

Who questioned "If God alone decides the time of death, are we no more than God's property?"

Correct! Wrong!

Who claimed that Euthanasia was a "rejection of God's sovereignty and loving plan?"

Correct! Wrong!

What does the P in PVS stand for?

Correct! Wrong!

How many criteria does Fletcher give to distinguish a human as a person?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of these is NOT a positive human criterion given by Fletcher?

Correct! Wrong!

Who challenges the slippery slope argument?

Correct! Wrong!

Which type of care provides holistic support for the patient?

Correct! Wrong!

Which one of these is NOT part of the Sanctity of Life argument?

Correct! Wrong!

Euthanasia Quiz

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