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Learning Sign Language

As many of you will be able to tell from my previous videos, I am quite an expressive person and use my hands a lot…I never realised quite how much until I actually started filming myself (I looked like I was trying to fly in one of the videos!). So just over a week ago I signed up to a Sign Language course through British Sign Language online. This valuable skill is something that I have always wanted to learn and as I am always looking for that next challenge I thought I would give it a go. My aim is to include a little within my teaching, so students not only learn the subject but better and clearer ways to communicate. I would also love to be able to have the option of using some sign language if ever needed to for a hard of hearing student. 

The BSL course so far is excellent. Sign up is quick and simple and is currently asking for donations of what you can afford rather than a set price. The sign up gives you access for a year and you can pop in and out of the website at your leisure. The sections are broken down into manageable chunks such as numbers or colours and there are short activities integrated to test your understanding. Each section has a test at the end, most often videos with a signed word or phrase that you then have to enter the answer. You can re-take the test as many times as needed but each section must be passed in order to pass the entire course.  

I will keep you posted on my progress but here is a little snippet of what I have learnt so far (as you can tell I am very excited by my new skill!) 

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